Automation and the use of robotic recycling is said to be the future of recycling efforts for innovative material handling leaders and US Recycling Equipment is supporting this exciting movement.

us_recycling_equipment_robotics_gripper_400x600_o (1).jpgA robotic sorting machine does the work for our customers making the steps efficient and clean moving. These new robotic sorting systems use machine learning and artificial intelligence to pick out certain kinds of materials and place the material into the proper sorting bin.

The technology of our world has expanded beyond past beliefs, and the future of robotic recycling is in our hands. The steps that needed to be completed for the process to work smoothly is run purely by the machine itself, leaving fewer employees in operating it and incorporating predictable fixed costs with maintenance and employees. Automation gives other members of the team opportunities to work on other tasks that would be postponed in the circumstance that your workforce would have had to sort through the debris by hand.

The robot that is breaking ground is located in Denver at the Altogether Recycling plant. This technology is fast, cost-effective, doesn’t tire out and yes likely will replace humans in the recycling industry. The robot is named Clarke and has had several articles written about him in the Denver area media. Clarke using a type of artificial intelligence (AI) identifies and “learns” about the type of cartons he is designed to pull and sort from the materials stream.


The robot that is breaking ground is located in Denver at the Altogether Recycling plant. This technology is fast, cost-effective, doesn’t tire out and yes likely will replace humans in the recycling industry. The robot is named Clarke and has had several articles written about him in the Denver area media. Clarke using a type of artificial intelligence (AI) identifies and “learns” about the type of cartons he is designed to pull and sort from the materials stream.

Clarke also produces useful data for his employer that allows them to improve their finished recovered materials.

The use of automation, robotics, technology can make businesses run smoother and more efficiently. As technology advances and ideas build, we are offering more solutions for customized MRF facilities and upgraded equipment. Contact US Recycling Equipment today to discuss how using automation, robots, in your recycling facility can bring new profits to your operation.